GERMANY – Balduinstein (2014.02.26 – 2014.03.02)

Germany - Balduinstein
Germany - Balduinstein

A short trip to three places. Balduinstein, Dusseldorf and Brussel.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites visited: none (see all UNESCO sites here)

Day 1 – Daytrip to Balduinstein Germany

Today we drove from the Netherlands about three hours to Balduinstein to visit some friends. A very quiet town where you can do some great nature walks. A small photo impression below. At the afternoon we went to Dusseldorf to spend the night.

Find here the map of our one and a half hour small hike:

Hike Balduinstein Germany
Hike Balduinstein Germany

Day 2 – Dusseldorf

please see the post about Dusseldorf.

Day 3, 4 & 5 – Brussels

please see the post about Brussels.

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